The terror has started. Instead of brownshirts pulling Jews out of her homes, we have ICE agents sniffing for humble immigrants scratching out a life here. Yesterday I spoke with a K’anjobal-speaking man and his wife, originally from Huehuetenango, Guatemala. During the 80s the military decided that all indigenous people were rebels and came to their town to kill everyone. They fled to Chiapas state (Mexico) where they were able to start over for few years. But with the arrival of the drug cartels, they fled again, this time to work in apple packing plant in Michigan. Now they face another wave of terror, the ICE agents determined to remove them. God save them.
what a powerful example of what is happening all over the u.s. now. i will be holding them in the light. i'll never understand this continued demonization of people who just... you know, are from a place. i mean i understand the logistics of why a colonizer would want to demonize indigenous people so they can justify taking over their land and treating them sub-human, i get the "purpose" of setting things up this way. but i will never be able to fathom how everyday, not-in-power people fall for thinking about others as needing to be removed or exterminated. how do they fall for the hate?
The terror has started. Instead of brownshirts pulling Jews out of her homes, we have ICE agents sniffing for humble immigrants scratching out a life here. Yesterday I spoke with a K’anjobal-speaking man and his wife, originally from Huehuetenango, Guatemala. During the 80s the military decided that all indigenous people were rebels and came to their town to kill everyone. They fled to Chiapas state (Mexico) where they were able to start over for few years. But with the arrival of the drug cartels, they fled again, this time to work in apple packing plant in Michigan. Now they face another wave of terror, the ICE agents determined to remove them. God save them.
what a powerful example of what is happening all over the u.s. now. i will be holding them in the light. i'll never understand this continued demonization of people who just... you know, are from a place. i mean i understand the logistics of why a colonizer would want to demonize indigenous people so they can justify taking over their land and treating them sub-human, i get the "purpose" of setting things up this way. but i will never be able to fathom how everyday, not-in-power people fall for thinking about others as needing to be removed or exterminated. how do they fall for the hate?